
I spent a decade as Chief Digital Officer, deeply immersed in the corporate world, operating in what I now see as “deep sleep mode.” My journey took a transformative turn in August 2022, when I experienced my first level of enlightenment—a profound spiritual awakening.

Driven by a thirst for deeper understanding, I delved into ancient wisdom, non-physical science, neuroscience, and the insights of brilliant minds, both past and present. I explored Astrology, Numerology, Shamanism, Yogi wisdom, and various manifestation practices, enhancing my learning process to be 20x more effective and joyful.

This journey brought me to a realization of the true essence of love and the interconnectedness of all things, an understanding that transcends rational explanation. Since that moment of enlightenment, my life has been filled with beautiful synchronicities and states of flow, guiding me to my current state of fulfillment.

I learned to access altered states of consciousness, enabling me to achieve in hours what would typically take weeks. This transformative period, which I regard as the best time of my life, was not without its intense moments. Letting go and embracing the unknown became a profound part of my experience.

Inspired by these insights, I crafted the “Bend Your Reality” journey—a unique path designed for those willing to listen, with open minds and a genuine desire for change.

My mission is to guide people towards true joy in life.